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allegra! Languages \u200b\u200b& Integrationsavecompany

allegra! Languages \u200b\u200b& Integration is located in Zürich, Switzerland on Binzmühlestrasse 15. allegra! Languages \u200b\u200b& Integration is rated 3.6 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Switzerland.

Star 3 out of 5 price$$
rating_single_star 4.2
rating_single_star N/A
rating_single_star N/A


Sunny Sun

Worst place to take German exam, super unprofessional examiner!! Slowest respondence from the exam center, I had to call a few times to finally get an proper answer. In the end, due to my hectic schedule I could only be able to take my exam here, compared to the other locations I have taken the exam before, the facility was quite poor. On the top of that, when I had the oral exam, the two examiner was very unprofessional, did not instruct me properly. Because I was the only one who was taking the exam, they should have instructed me properly for the discussion part, where 2 student were supposed to participate. They seem to just want to get everything over with, the worst part is that I saw one of the examiner almost filling in my score before I finish my talking, which is super unprofessional and could affect my performance greatly. They should have hide all the evaluations from the student. My final result was not bad, just warning others who pay big bucks to take exams in zurich not to take it from here. You don't want to have such unprofessional examiner sabotaging your work.


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zol boj

worst language school ever. taking you to a loud pub instead of a class, seriously?


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I did TELC B2 exam here and passed it. Even though I didn't take any course here, the exam went well and I could easily register and make it. Recommendable for TELC exam place.


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Ismail Mahmud

(Translated by Google) The best school I attended was an Acdemia School, of course after attending other schools. (Original) Die beste Schule, die ich besuchte, war eine Acdemia-Schule, natürlich nachdem ich andere Schulen besucht hatte.


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Gzim Nuredini

(Translated by Google) Here just went to win money from the participants, for example, last year in September onlin directly reported for the exam, I got no answer no confirmation, then I have registered club school Migros. One week before the exam Allegra called me to the exam invited, usually you get a form and in writing, we have discussed, was unacceptable, whom I refused, asked 100 Fr. to pay, okay then I agreed with it , accepted this. Dan at Club Sch. unsubscribed, there would only be 30 Fr. defending the waiting for examination at Allegra, heard as the phone talked, another same case as mine, demanded 100 Fr. to pay again without written notification, combed me out like a scam. Since I speak a fair amount of German, unbelievable? Results below 20%. (Original) Hier ging nur um Geld von den Teilnehmern zu gewinnen, zumbeispiel, letzte Jahre im September Onlin direkt für den Prüfung gemeldet, bekam ich kein Antwort kein Bestätigung, dan habe ich mich Club Schule Migros gemeldet. Ein Woche vor den Prüfung Allegra rief mich an das ich zu den Prüfung eingeladen bin, normalerweise bekommt man ein Formular und schriftlich anzumelden, wir haben diskutiert, war unakzeptabel, wen ich ablehnte, forderte 100 Fr. zu zahlen, okay dann war ich einverstanden damit, dies angenommen. Dan bei der Club Sch. abgemeldet, da müsste nur 30 Fr. Zahlen. wehren des Wartens für Prüfung bei Allegra, hörte wie die telefonisch gesprochen, noch eine gleiche Fall wie bei mir, forderte 100 Fr. zu zahlen wieder ohne Schriftliche Anmeldung, kamm mich wie ein Betrug vor. Da ich einigermaße Deutsch kann, unglaublich? Ergebnise unter 20 %.


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Nestor Kabore

(Translated by Google) Very good teachers who give you clear explanations to your questions. I'm very happy to be there !!!! (Original) Des profs de très bon niveau qui te donnent des explications clairs et nette à tes questions. J'suis très ravi d'y être!!!!


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sophie mariscal

(Translated by Google) A passionate and exciting teacher! A pleasure to learn communicated to the whole group. A good level, a tip top listening and efficiency at the meeting. We came after our full day of work without canceling because we knew there was going to be a great atmosphere in our class. I recommend and I re-register! (Original) Une prof passionnée et passionnante! Un plaisir d'apprendre communiqué à tout le groupe. Un bon niveau, une écoute tip top et efficacité au rdv. Nous venions après notre journée complète de travail sans annuler par ce que l'on savait qu'il allait regner une excellente ambiance dans notre cours. Je recommande et je m'y reinscris!


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Simon D

(Translated by Google) Obviously, an exam only passes if you have attended a course. (Original) Prüfung besteht offensichtlich nur, wer einen Kurs besucht hat.


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allegra! Languages \u200b\u200b& Integration






Binzmühlestrasse 15
8050 Zürich

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